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The Process of A Personal Injury Claim

Robert Louis Armstrong Personal Injury Attorney April 20, 2017

If you’ve been in a car accident, there’s a long road ahead to settling the claim and getting what you are owed. It’s a complicated process, which is why one of the first things you should always do is contact an experienced personal injury attorney.

What Happens When You Meet with A Personal Injury Attorney?

Here are a few things you can expect when you have your first encounter with an injury lawyer:

  • You might be asked to sign a form releasing your medical information so that your lawyer can access them. They’re important documents for building your case.  

  • You will probably be asked all about your insurance coverage, with lots of specifics on premiums and what kind of coverage you have.

  • Your lawyer will want to know what, if anything, you have said to insurance adjusters, and if you have given any recorded interviews or written statements.

What Happens After You Hire a Lawyer?

Once you hire a lawyer, he or she will begin the process of filing a claim with the insurance company, or filing a suit in court.

Here are a few things to note about this stage:

  • This phase of the settlement is called discovery, and it’s the time when every little detail about your case will come to light. Keep in mind that it is very likely that anything and everything will come out at some point in the discovery process.

  • You’ve got to be totally and completely honest with your attorney. If you’re not, then it could impact the outcome of your case. There’s nothing worse than losing a case or losing out on money you’re owed because you lied.

What happens during the settlement phase?

The good news is that most personal injury claims don’t ever reach a courtroom. They are usually settled before it goes to court.

Here are some things to talk to your attorney about when it comes to the settlement phase:

  • How have settlement amounts and jury verdicts been for other cases that were similar to yours?

  • What are your chances of winning if you do go to trial?

  • Are there any special circumstances that make it harder to try your case in court?

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your case? How does the evidence hold up to your claims?

  • What are the strength and weaknesses of your opponent’s case?

  • What does your attorney think your claim is worth – talk specifics, including exact dollar amounts and how that amount compares to the amount you could receive if you went to trial.

  • What is the minimum amount of money you are willing to accept in an effort to avoid going to court?

  • What are the specifics of your opponent’s insurance policy? Are you seeking more than the insurance policy is able to pay out?

  • What about your opponent’s own personal financial resources? Is he or she able to compensate you out of pocket? 

If there’s anything you learned from reading this, it’s that personal injury cases are very complex legal matters, and they should always be handled by an experienced injury lawyer. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, contact Robert Armstrong’s office today.