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Secure Future

Case Studies

Medical Malpractice/Brain Injury

A 57-year-old client with head trauma sued their doctor and hospital due to negligence in failing to diagnose and timely treat cerebral edema and elevated intracranial pressure.

The misdiagnosis resulted in brain herniation . . . a devastating injury requiring subsequent surgery and permanent brain injury. The client required care 24/7 care. The doctor and hospital, through their lawyers, vigorously contested both liability and damages for over three years.

We hired 14 experts in various disciplines from neurosurgery to hospital administration and joint commission on hospital accreditation standards. Approximately thirty-two depositions were conducted. We obtained and collected a substantial monetary result that will care for the client for life.

This medical malpractice case was resolved on a confidential basis.

Wrongful Death

My client was the personal representative of a 37-year-old mentally handicapped person who died from complications secondary to pneumonia. We sued the doctors and hospital responsible for the victim's unfortunate demise.

The defendants, through their lawyers, contested both liability and damages. We obtained and collected a substantial result despite the fact that the client had never held a job because of their underlying mental handicap.

Interestingly, subsequent to the recovery, a relative who had abandoned this client at the age of 14 wrongfully tried to obtain a share of the wrongful death proceeds. We immediately moved for declaratory judgment and kept the estranged relative from receiving any of the recoveries. The court agreed wholeheartedly with our position.

The recovery went to the rightful heirs in this wrongful death case.

Chemical Exposure

A 28-year-old client was exposed to a toxic chemical while working at a chemical plant, resulting in a chemical bronchitis-type injury.

A defective valve was the cause of the incident. We sued a major manufacturer, who, through their teams of lawyers, contested both liability and damages. We obtained and collected a substantial monetary result, which provides for payments over the client’s lifetime. The case was resolved on a confidential basis.

Nursing Home Abuse, Neglect, and Malpractice

An 89-year-old died in a nursing home due to the nurse not following the doctor’s orders.

We sued the nursing home and nurse. Both were represented by counsel contesting liability and damages. We obtained and collected a substantial monetary result. This malpractice case was resolved on a confidential basis.

Motorcycle Accident

A 32-year-old motorcyclist was hit by an uninsured motorist.

My client suffered a fractured neck and multiple knee injuries. The case was settled before the institution of a lawsuit.

The uninsured motorist coverage was collected from several policies in that the law allowed policies to be stacked together resulting in a substantial recovery for the client.

Slip and Fall

A 31-year-old client slipped and fell on an icy entranceway to a major hamburger chain.

My client sustained a lower back injury with a failed back syndrome. The client required a morphine pump to be implanted under their skin for pain control.

The defendants, through their team of lawyers, contested liability and damages. We obtained and collected a substantial monetary result in this slip and fall case. The case was resolved on a confidential basis.

Motor Vehicle Negligence

My 53-year-old client was involved in a car accident. The defendant turned left in front of their vehicle.

My client suffered a comminuted fracture of the ankle, requiring surgical intervention and multiple courses of physical therapy.

My client had 20% permanent partial impairment. The defendant, through their lawyers, contested both liability and damages.

I obtained and collected substantial recovery in this motor vehicle negligence case.